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Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Driving Simulator (2011) PC Game [Mediafire]


Connoisseurs of driving simulation can now enjoy the thrilling challenge of driving a diverse fleet of some of the most fascinating vehicles ever to take to the road. Put on your lights and siren and scream through the city at the wheel of a high performance Police fast response car in a thrilling high speed pursuit. Alternatively, try to keep to schedule as you choose to pick up your fares from a fleet of buses. If nostalgia is your nirvana, take to the road at the wheel of a beautifully recreated vintage roadster

Perhaps heavy haulage is your interest as you take the wheel of a juggernaut or maybe a mercy mission as you navigate heavy traffic in an ambulance? Take to the track and let your adrenaline flow as you hammer down the straight in a finely tuned street racing car!

Enjoy the range of vehicles; each carefully crafted with physics to represent the inertia, weight and handling of each vehicle that offers a challenging road ride!

Each vehicle has a range of missions in a uniquely constructed 3D world that puts you into the heart of the action. Plus - create your own missions with a specially designed editor and modding tool!
Buckle yourself up for the drive of a lifetime!

Minimum System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
2.0 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor
1 GB available hard disc space
Nvidia Geforce 6800 Series, ATI Radeon X850 or S3 Chrome 430 GT graphics card (minimum 128 MB VRAM)
sound card

Driving Simulator (2011)Driving Simulator (2011)Driving Simulator (2011)Driving Simulator (2011)Driving Simulator

Mediafire Download Link-
size: 836 mb
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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Animasi Frame image dengan visual basic 6

Bagi kalian yang pernah mempelajari macromedia flash, mgkn kalian tidak asing dengan pembuatan animasi antar frame. disini saya ingin mensimulasikan animasi antar frame tetapi dengan menggunakan visual basic 6.0.
kalian bisa mendownload source code na disini

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Game uji kemampuan otak dengan visual basic 6.0

Hahhaaa...........Ini game yang gue buat....lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa codding.........Simple tapi have fun juga...........Buat lo yang suka dengan game dan penasaran gimana bentuk game sederhana yang dibuat dengan visual basic...kalian bisa liat source code na disini (size : 300kb )
Semoga kalian suka 
Jangan lupa berii komentarnya


Animasi menghitung suatu kecepatan dengan visual basic 6.0

Udah lama ga posting tentang visual basic...akhirnya dapat ide juga untuk membuat program simulasi untuk menghitung suatu kecepatan benda........kalo dilihat mang seperti biasa dan mudah.....
Disini .......Saya ingin sharing sedikit bagaimana menggerakan suatu shape dengan pemasukan suatu parameter di text....
Yang kalian perlu siap kan yaitu :
3 command
3 timer
2 label
3 frame
1 shape
1 scroll
Kalian bisa lihat contoh source disini ( size : 6kb )
Semoga bermanfaat untuk kalian.........
Jangan lupa comment ya

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Membatasi Bandwidth Tanpa Software

Sharing koneksi internet atau Internet Connection Sharing adalah hal lazim dilakukan sekarang ini. Namun membagi koneksi internet ke beberapa komputer jelas menurunkan bandwidth yang kita terima dari Internet Service Provider (ISP) jika beberapa user secara bersamaan mengakses internet. Apalagi jika seorang user sedang mendownload file yang cukup besar. Misalkan sebuah film berdurasi 2 jam yang besarnya kira-kira 1 GB. Coba bayangkan jika satu koneksi internet kita bagi ke 10 PC dan semua pengguna PC tersebut sedang mendownload file yang besarnya 1 GB bisa lemot koneksi internet kita. Untuk itu, saya rasa perlu jika Anda membatasi bandwith koneksi internet pada setiap komputer.
Untuk membatasi bandwith koneksi internet, lazimnya kita menggunakan sebuah software bandwidth management yang mungkin tidak gratis dan berharga cukup mahal. Namun ada sebuah cara membatasi bandwidth koneksi internet sebuah komputer tanpa menggunakan software pada sebuah jaringan lokal (LAN) kita. Langkah-langkah yang kita gunakan hampir sama dengan cara mempercepat koneksi internet yang pernah saya tulis sebelumnya. Namun, ada sedikit perbedaan. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
  1. Klik Start »» Run dan ketik “gpedit.msc” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan tekan Enter.
  2. Pada jendela sisi sebelah kiri pilih Computer Configuration »» Administrative Template »» Network »» Qos Packet Scheduler.
  3. QosPacketScheduler untuk membatasi bandwidth
  4. Kemudian di sisi jendela sebelah kanan double click Limit Reservable Bandwidth
  5. Opsi Limit Reservable Bandwidth
  6. Pada jendela Limit Reservable Bandwidth tandai option Enable dan set Bandwidth limit menjadi 50 % atau nilai yang Anda inginkan. Semakin besar nilai yang Anda set maka semakin kecil bandwidth yang bisa digunakan komputer tersebut.
  7. Set limit reservable bandwidth untuk membatasi bandwidht
  8. Setelah seting Anda anggap sesuai click tombol OK dan tutup jendela Group Policy.
Agar setingan berpengaruh restart komputer. Kemudian cobalah untuk melakukan test terhadap kecepatan koneksi internet pada komputer tersebut. Jika Anda rasa masih cepat atau terlalu lambat, rubahlah setingan dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah tadi. Kemudian rubah nilai pada Bandwidth Limit menjadi lebih besar atau kecil tergantung dari kecepatan yang Anda inginkan. Setelah setingan Anda anggap pas. Barulah set komputer-komputer lainnya pada jaringan dengan seting yang sama atau seting yang berbeda pada Bandwidth Limit. Tentu saja dengan langkah-langkah yang sama seperti seting diatas.
Demikian sebuah cara membatasi bandwidth koneksi internet tanpa menggunakan software. Memang kurang efisien karena mesti menset satu-persatu komputer terutama pada jaringan yang besar. Namun pada jaringan skala kecil yang hanya terdiri dari 5-10 komputer saya rasa tidak cukup berat dilakukan. Lumayan untuk mengirit uang belanja software. Selamat mencoba!

Menghapus Salah Satu OS dari Daftar Boot

Menghapus salah satu OS (operating system) dari daftar boot, mungkin bukan merupakan sesuatu yang baru bagi Anda. Namun, saya rasa banyak juga yang belum tahu bagaimana cara menghapusnya. 
OK. Kita lanjut lagi ke topik artikel ini. Sebelumnya saya ingin jelaskan terlebih dahulu apa yang saya maksud dengan daftar OS pada boot. Biasanya jika Anda menggunakan 2 operating system, misalkan Windows XP Professional dan Windows XP Home Edition, maka pada saat booting Anda akan menemukan 2 buah pilihan OS. Anda tinggal pilih, ingin logon ke Windows XP Professional atau Windows Home dengan memilih salah satu pilihan tadi. Sekarang bagaimanacara menghilangkan salah satu operating system tanpa melakukan format? Misalkan Anda ingin menghilangkan Windows XP Home Edition. Caranya adalah dengan menghapus operating system itu dari daftar boot. Dimanakah daftar boot tersebut?
Windows XP menyimpan daftar operating system pada sebuah file namanya “boot.ini”. File ini terletak pada drive “C:” lengkapnya “C:\boot.ini.”. Yang akan kita lakukan sekarang adalah meng-edit file boot.ini tersebut untuk menghapus salah satu OS. Untuk itu ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah. Namun perlu saya ingatkan, tips ini saya berikan dengan asumsi drive C: sebagai drive tepat terinstallnya Windows XP professional.
  1. Buka file boot.ini yang teletak di C:\boot.ini. Namun, biasanya file ini tidak akan kelihatan jika Anda menset komputer agar tidak menampilan file operating system. Untuk itu, buka saja melalui Run dengan mengetik “c:\boot.ini” (tanpa tanda petik).
  2. File boot.ini defaultnya akan terbuka di notepad. Setelah terbuka, Anda akan melihat tulisan seperti gambar dibawah
  3. Boot.ini click gambar untuk memperbesar
  4. Sebelum kita melakukan editing file boot ini, sebaiknya Anda backup dulu dengan membuat sebuah copy dari file tersebut. Nanti apabila terjadi kesalahan, Anda bisa mengcopynya lagi.
  5. Sekarang, tentukan os yang akan dihapus. Karena pada kali ini yang kan kita hapus adalah Windows XP Home maka cari tulisan seperti ini:
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /usepmtimer
    Pilih salah satu os
    click gambar untuk memperbesar
  6. Setelah Anda tentukan, hapus semua tulisan seperti diatas tadi, sehingga hasilnya seperti gambar di bawah
  7. Hasil edit file boot.ini click gambar untuk memperbesar
  8. Kemudian simpan file boot.ini tersebut dan restart komputer Anda.
Setelah komputer mulai booting, coba perhatikan layar Anda. Apakah daftar operating system masih muncul? Jika ya berarti, Anda berhasil. Jika Anda salah menghapus, biasanya Anda akan boot ke operating system yang seharusnya Anda hapus. Jika hal tersebut terjadi, ulangi langkah-langkah diatas dengan mengcopy kembali isi file backup Anda dan mempastenya di file asli. Kemudian hapus os yang satunya.

Membatasi Akses Program di Windows

Terkadang banyak dari Anda yang menggunakan satu komputer secara bersama-sama. Misalkan komputer keluarga, sekolah ataupun kantor. Dengan berbagi komputer Anda dapat bersama-sama menggunakan file ataupun program. Namun, pernahkan Anda berniat untuk membatasi akses program pada komputer Anda? Misalkan, Anda ingin agar program seperti games tidak bisa diakses oleh karyawan di kantor atau anak-anak dirumah pada masa ujian sekolah atau ulangan umum. Bagaimana cara membatasi atau memblokir akses terhadap program di windows?
Mungkin banyak dari Anda yang menghapus (uninstall) program tersebut sebagai solusi. Namun, saya rasa tidak efektif. Mereka bisa saja menginstall kembali atau menggunakan versi portable tanpa sepengetahuan Anda. Lalu bagaimana solusinya? Salah satu cara yang saya sering gunakan adalah memblokir (mem-block) atau melarang akses terhadap suatu atau beberapa program. Tips ini bekerja di Windows XP, Windows Vista maupun Windows 7. Bagaimana caranya? Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
  1. Klik Start Run dan ketik “gpedit.msc” (tanpa tanda kutip) lalu tekan Enter untuk membuka Group Policy Editor.
  2. Pada jendela Group Policy Editor, bukalan User Configuration »» Administrative Templates »» System.
3.  Disisi jendela sebelah kanan cari item yang bernama Run only allowed Windows applications dan klik   dua kali (double click) item tersebut.

4.ada jendela setting yang muncul pilih opsi Enabled. Kemudian klik tombol Show yang ada di bawahnya.
5.Selanjutnya, di jendela yang muncul masukkan nama file executable dari aplikasi yang tidak akan diblokir (di-block). Contohnya: photoshop.exe untuk Photoshop, word.exe untuk Microsoft Word, excel.exe untuk Microsoft Excel, notepad.exe untuk Notepad dan lain sebagainya. Nama-nama file executable dari masing-masign program bisa Anda lihat di path mereka, biasanya di folder Program Files.

6. Setelah semua program yang Anda tidak ingin block selesai Anda masukkan, klik OK. Kemudian kli OK juga pada jendela sebelumnya.
Sekarang cobalah membuka program yang tidak Anda masukkan dalam daftar tadi. Apakah program tersebut berjalan? Jika tidak berarti Anda berhasil. Nah sekarang semuanya telah selesai. Anda telah berhasil mematasi akses program pada Windows. Perlu saya ingatkan sekali lagi, kalau program yang Anda masukkan pada daftar tadi adalah program yang tidak ingin Anda block. Dengan kata lain, program yang Anda masukkan pada langkah tadi adalah program yang bisa diakses user.


Chantelise A Tale of Two Sisters v1.12 full-THETA  Chantelise A Tale of Two Sisters v1.12 full THETA

Five years ago, a witch’s curse beneath the red moon turned Chante into a fairy. Now she and her sister Elise search for a way to transform her back into a human, and in their travels they come across a particular town, which is home to a number of nearby ruins, as well as a peculiar shopkeeper named Aira, and a strange, mercurial fortune-teller who calls herself Elma. Could this place hold the key to returning Chante to normal? Or will it lead to more answers than our two sisters ever wanted to know?  Chantelise A Tale of Two Sisters v1.12 full THETA
  • A classically-styled action-RPG title for the PC!
  • A treasure to find in every single area!
  • Inventive boss fights to challenge the player!
  • Full controller support, including full Xinput trigger and right-stick camera control support!
  • Five core dungeons, plus two bonus dungeons! Hours and hours of gameplay!
  • Fishing! With collectible fish!  Chantelise A Tale of Two Sisters v1.12 full THETA
Developer: EasyGameStation
Publisher: Carpe Fulgur LLC
Genre: Action, RPG, Indie
Languages: English, Japanese
Release name: Chantelise.A.Tale.of.Two.Sisters.v1.12.full-THETA
Size: 383 MB
Links: Homepage – Steam – NFO

Microsoft Train Simulator-FLT [Full ISO/Simulation/2001]  Microsoft Train Simulator FLT [Full ISO/Simulation/2001]

When Microsoft released its much anticipated Train Simulator in the spring of 2001, they opened the door to a new era of train simulation. MSTS, as it's called, set new standards as a can-do-everything simulator, including full 3D environment, train control from inside and outside the cab, the ability to throw track switches, shunt cars, and much more.

Microsoft patterned Train Simulator after its successful Flight Simulator, aiming to provide the most realistic train driving experience possible. That included train dynamics such as momentum and inluence of train weight  and track slope, operable cab controls, and optional involvement with boiler pressure, water and fuel consumption, coupler breakage, track sanding, and wheel slippage. As with Flight Simulator, you could begin to learn how to drive the prototype vehicle on your PC, experiencing direct feedback from your actions.

Microsoft appears also to have expected most third-party development to be commercially based, as it is with Flight Simulator. As it turns out, there are only a small number of developers producing payware items, while most of the many thousands of add-ons today are freely available on the Internet. That means we, as enthusiasts, have an unprecedented amount of free models and realistic routes to choose from. It also means that Microsoft did not make it easy for the non-professional to build add-on content.

In the winter of 2004, having failed to meet its prevously announced goal of releasingMSTS Version 2 in the fall of 2003, Microsoft announced its discontinuance of any further development of Train Simulator. Many saw this as a crushing blow to the hobby, while others saw it as a golden opportunity for Microsoft's major train sim competitor, Auran Trainz to dominate the genre. Instead, the hobby continues to grow, Auran continues to update Trainz, and there doesn't appear to be any appreciable migration between the two heavyweight sims. MSTS is still as popular ever, though its sales may have dropped off. Like the mature game title that it is, it can be gotten new for tag sale prices, now packaged in simple CD packaging and wearing the Atari label.

While it would be hard to argue anything close to perfection on Microsoft's part, they at least got enough right to make their product viable for the forseeable future, even without further updates. Microsoft claims to have sold 1.3 million copies of Train Simulator, which I suspect, puts it in the lead over the competition.

The prospect that other newer, more feature-laden simulators could eventually supplant MSTS as the favorite, if indeed it is the favorite, is ever-present. The newTrainMaster Train Simulator (TMTS), now in development by P.I. Engineering, has already demonstrated its ability to convert MSTS rolling stock to the TrainMasterformat, but no mention has been made of converting routes. Another train sim in development by the team of gaming giant Electronic Arts and Kuju (the original developer of MSTS) is currently planning to limit its attention to European railroading and the European market, but little is known yet about this new sim other than Kuju's declaration that it is being designed new from the ground up.

Thus, only time will tell what the future has in store for MSTS. It's not unusual for a game to continue well past its initial publisher's involvement, as is the case withTransport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD), which is ten years old and going strong. Because of various acquisitions and mergers, no company at this point claims ownership to TTD, though we suspect Atari owns the rights. Certainly, no commercial developer is interested in it, despite its strong and dedicated following.

All this is simply a way of saying MSTS is here, it's solid, it's established, and it's not going away any time soon. If you have any hesitancy about getting involved because of Microsoft's withdrawal from further development, put it aside and jump in. At current prices you have nothing to lose, and there's always the bonus of having a sim with only modest system requirements. A 1.2 GHz Pentium III was about the fastest thing around at the MSTS was launched, and the listed minimum requirements call for a 266 MHz Pentium II CPU - a tad modest for practical purposes. I ran MSTS happily for years on a 733 MHz Pentium III CPU.

A Few Things You Should Know

It's inevitable that every new user has an idea of what to expect right off the bat, and that usually is something wide of the mark. Here are a few things to keep in mind, especially if you are coming to MSTS from another sim.

Driving. The first thing to realize, especially if you look at the user manual first, is that you don't have learn or bother with the details of driving a locomotive, even though the manual proudly gives instructions and you may find the challenge to your liking. You can operate a train using simple controls. However, you cannot begin driving a train by simply rotating a dial as you would a model railroad or with Trainz. You must first raise the pantograph (if your train has one), then set the reverser to Forward, release the brakes, and finally advance the throttle. I've created a summary of basic commands and knowledge for beginning and infrequent users of MSTS. You can find it here. Be sure you are familiar with at least the key commands corresponding to the steps mentioned above. Before long you will want to throw switches and uncouple cars, turn on the headlights and blow the horn. Eventually you may want to learn to drive a locomotive realistically, learning all the controls and reading the gauges.

Consists. A train does not exist in the game unless it is made up and saved in a consist file. MSTS has a built-in consist builder, but almost no one uses it. The overwhelming favorite is a free program by Carlos Gomes and Joe Smith calledConBulder, available free at and elsewhere. A consist can be a single locomotive or wagon or a combination in any length. You can place a consist that has a locomotive in a route for driving while you are in the ROUTE & ACTIVITY SELECTION screen. You cannot place ambient consists without going into the Activity Editor, a task that's well beyond the scope of this article.

Version 1.2 Update. No matter when you bought MSTS, you should get the free version 1.2 update. It fixes a few minor bugs, adds some content, and lets you runMSTS without the need for inserting Disk 1 into the CD drive. You can get the update from Microsoft here .

Installing Add-Ons

There are many thousands of add-ons available for MSTS. Most come with proper instructions for placing the item in its right place. Some add-ons, such as routes, are a little involved because they require running an included .bat file to copy existing files into new folders. Other add-ons come in the form of an installer, which automatically places the add-on in the right folder(s). The one cardinal rule is to follow the included instructions carefully.













E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (2011)

As a member of the strange secret society E.Y.E, you wake up after a fight
in which your fellow teammates were killed. E.Y.E, an armed branch of the
Secreta Secretorum is attempting a coup against the all-powerful
Federation, a coalition of several worlds and planets that rule with an
iron fist.

To complicate matters, E.Y.E itself is plagued with its own internal
conflicts between the Jian faction and the Culter faction, to which you
belong. Your loyalties are torn between Commander Rimanah, your superior
and the chief of the Secreta who is a separatist with an unstoppable
ambition, and the "Mentor" your friend and instructor. The "Mentor" tries
at all costs to unite the two rival factions. In doing so, you are thrust
into the middle of a fratricidal war frought with political conspiracies
and quests for power in which different groups and mega corporations are

These troubles set the stage for an attack by an unknown force bent on
destroying humankind.

*Multiplayer co-op modes directly influence solo play, and vice-versa. The limits of solo and multiplayer games are finally left behind.
*Psychological and mental trauma management.
*25 weapons, different shooting modes, dynamic precision, drilling shots, iron sighting, extended zoom.
*Complete hacking system with game play impact
*9 devastatingly subtle PSI powers.
*More than 20 NPC with non-scripted, fully reactive and efficient AI, endowed with a sense of initiative. Bloody close combat with technical detail. Incredible physical movement realism thanks to Source Engine physics.
*Excellent replayability – primary and secondary missions, dynamic environments, non-linear level progression, and random NPC spawn, type and appearance. Death doesn’t penalize players: no need to restart the current mission.
*Open-level gameplay for hours of fun without reloading.

E Y E Divine Cybermancy(2011)E Y E Divine Cybermancy (2011)E Y E Divine Cybermancy (2011)Pirates

Mediafire Download Link-
size: 2.3 gb
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